100 day challenge

Scott Nasello
My son has completed a 100 day challenge several times with his Suzuki violin class. Like many activies, repetition and a disciplined commitment are the cornerstone of aquiring new skills. Violin is no different in this regard. As an example, I’ve included the preface from Suzuki Violin Book 3. I truly believe that Dr. Suzuki would have been fast friends with Dr. Carol Dweck (Growth Mindset researcher). At the conclusion of today’s group lesson one of the other students offered my son a new, blank 100 day challenge sheet.

Using configuration management at home

Scott Nasello
During my wife’s recent trip to the east coast I decided I would take my circa 2015 macbook and fully automate it and manage it with a configuration management software. You might want to know what kind of sick puppy would do this intentionally {me}. Here was my thinking: As a manager, I don’t get to do as much hands on work as I’d like I’m frustrated by the config drift I have at home…everything is a snowflake I wanted to learn CHEF more on that later Why CHEF?